Audio Journaling: A New Addition to Your Wellness Toolkit

What is Audio Journaling?

Bullet journaling and guided writing prompts have become staple tools in mental health and mindfulness practices, to help individuals process their thoughts and ideas. But for many, the idea of staring at a blank page and free writing can be intimidating. Audio journaling is a unique, alternative method of documenting one’s thoughts, experiences, ideas or life events, through a verbal recording. It’s a great creative outlet for people for whom speaking comes more naturally than writing things down.


Benefits of Audio Journaling

Audio journaling can be a great compliment to your wellness routine and/or formal therapy. Speaking things out loud is like getting the word vomit out of your head and onto the page, but in the case of audio, you get the benefit of hearing the nuances of your tone, inflection and emotional expression. Here are some additional benefits: 

  • Clarity: Talking through ideas out loud can help provide clarity for decision making and prioritisation of your goals and tasks. 

  • Stress reduction: Expressing yourself through a recording can help ease the mental load of carrying too many thoughts around. 

  • Convenience: You can utilise something as simple as a voice app on your phone to record an idea on-the-go.

  • Boosts memory recall: You’re more likely to remember something you’ve stated out loud, and be able to recall it later on.

  • Improve your public speaking: Recording yourself speaking is a great way to practise your voice projection and oration skills.

Dictate your future self, to own your story.
Future Self Worksheet

How to Get Started?

To get started with your audio journaling, we recommend keeping it simple and beginning with a voice recording app on your phone. Hit record and express whatever is on your mind in the moment. Whether it be about your overall day, or a specific event that happened and how you felt about it. If you’d like to get deeper into your journaling, you could do a more guided exercise such as:

  • “I am” Affirmations

  • Talking about your goals and intentions

  • Answering specific questions using online journal prompt resources

We’ve created a free guided worksheet that helps you outline a Letter to Your Future Self. The goal of this exercise is to help you reflect on your current self, so you’ll be able to dictate your future into existence through your audio journal recording.

Benefits of Daily Playback 

Once you’ve completed the worksheet and recorded your letter, we can assist you in elevating your recording for daily listening through our Customised Affirmation Soundscape Service. Through this service, we will clean, edit and design a soundscape complete with music and effects. Think of those motivational videos you see on YouTube with speakers like Tony Robbins, David Goggins and Bob Proctor. By customising your own voice recording, you can become your own inspirational coach. Listening to yourself on a daily basis will help you build self-trust, self-respect, self-esteem, and the list goes on. Are you ready to dictate your future self, to own your story?


Audio Journal #1


‘How The West Was Read’ Ep 2. WHISKEY WHEN WE’RE DRY